
Why your Company needs Structured Cabling?
Your company has grown. Congratulations! It’s important to keep up with this growth through proper structured cabling. Why, you ask? You may not realize it but structured cabling is THE vital pipeline on which your company depends to execute all its voice and data transmissions. In today’s world, communication is fast and expectations are high. Your telecommunications infrastructure (voice, video and data) needs to be top notch!
Building a structured cabling system is a unique task. It is safe to say that since each design depends on a unique set of variables, no two are alike. Your particular structured cabling system is dependent on the office building, equipment needs and the needs of the business.
Why is structured cabling is so important to your business?
Faster Transmission
You’ll want data to move as fast as it can. Our experts can recommend the right pipelines for your data transmissions.
Consolidated Wiring
Too many wiring systems can be a headache. Structured cabling will combine your wiring systems into a single infrastructure that transfers data in multiple formats. This flexibility also makes the system easy to dismantle and move to a new location if needed.
Less Noise
You can achieve noise resistance through a proper structured cabling system. No one wants static or a poor connection during phone conversations. Noise can also corrupt data transmissions. Excessive noise will slow down a system because it has to resend corrupt data repeatedly.
Lower Maintenance Cost
Having a properly installed and carefully marked cable structure can make it faster to identify a problem. Downtime equates to lost revenue. When the system requires changes, they can occur in a faster, more efficient way, with minimal disruption.
Why settle for a Generic cheaper Brand and sacrifice the Quality and Speed of your Network...
For little additional cost, with NETBOX Structured Cabling Solutions, you get the Best Quality and Performance for your CCTV & Structured cabling needs (CAT6 UTP Indoor and Outdoor cables- All Brands are UL / ETL Approved Brands 100% Copper), CAT5e & CAT6 UTP Patch cables, CAT6 Patch Panels, CAT6 UTP Outdoor Cable, RG6 Siamese cables with Power, RG59 & RG11 Coaxial cables, I/O Keystone Jacks, Faceplates, Fiber Optic Patch cables (OM3 & OM2), Fiber Optic Patch Panels, Pigtails, Rackmount Distribution Panels, Media Converters, Ethernet/LAN Extenders, Gigabit switches, Fiber switches, POE switches & Data Server Cabinets (Wallmount/Freestanding).
Today’s growing demand for technology and performance is bringing about faster and more advanced systems to the table. This evolution puts a high strain on our infrastructure backbone. Take for instance our electric posts and wiring in the Philippines, as our country began to advance we needed more electric lines and posts to support and power our growing population. However, the electric infrastructure became messy, inefficient, complex, and really hard to maintain and upgrade. The main cause for this was inadequate planning and structuring; this provided little room for growth and resulted to numerous downtimes.

Now let us shift the context in terms of structured cabling with IT infrastructure. It is the lifeblood or the root of all IT systems, all services would cease to function without it. How could we hope to support our growing IT businesses without the foundation to keep it standing? According to various studies, the cabling structure represents only 5% of the network investment but outlives all other network equipment. Good infrastructure can last for a minimum of 10 up to 20 years while other devices like switches only last 5 years. Furthermore, studies have found that network cabling is the cause for 21% of all downtime experienced which could cost an organization over $1,000 per hour.

A well planned and implemented cabling structure can facilitate growth and support future endeavors for Philippine businesses for years to come. Good design can decrease installation costs, decrease system downtime, increase the infrastructure life cycle, reduce maintenance, improve system performance, and most importantly increase profit and process efficiency. It will make your organizational structure very scalable and make it easy to adapt to the increasing demands of a growing industry.
For something that comprises only a miniscule amount of an organizations network investment, it has such a big impact on productivity and efficiency. Proper cabling is definitely one of the most important aspects of any network which allowsfor tremendous opportunities for Philippine companies to equal and surpass the rest of the world. It is not only the backbone of an organization but rather the backbone of the entire IT industry.